
Dr. Lutz Laurisch

Examination and doctorate in Düsseldorf in 1975. Has been working in his own practice in Korschenbroich since 1977 and in partnership with Dr Elfi Laurisch since 2000.

Treatment focusses on the oral rehabilitation of patients through comprehensive preventive dentistry. Since 1981, development of a prophylaxis concept integrated into everyday practice, including saliva analyses since 1986.

Numerous publications and lectures on this topic at conferences and in specialist journals. 1988 publications on the diagnosis of individual caries risk using microbiological saliva tests. 1989 development of a simple bacterial detection method for caries-relevant germs.

Since 1988, extensive practice courses for dentists and dental assistants as part of the „Prophylaxis courses in Korschenbroich” on the diagnosis and treatment of individual caries risk and the preventive practice concept. Extensive course activities at advanced training institutes of the state dental associations.

1993 publication of a concept for the systematic prevention of fissures caries using chlorhexidine-containing varnishes. 1994 development of the Soniflex-Seal preparation tip for minimally invasive extended fissure sealing (KaVo). 1977 development of a new selective medium for Streptococcus mutans and development of the CRT-bacteria saliva test procedure (IvoclarVivadent) and the successor product KariesScreenTest and KariesScreenTest +P (Aurosan) for the detection of a caries-relevant germs.

1989 to 1998 Deputy Chairman of the Society for Paediatric Dentistry and Primary Prophylaxis in the DGZMK. Deputy Chairman of the Coordination Centre for Prophylaxis in the DGZMK and ember of the Board of the DGZMK from 2001 to 2009. Member of the Pierre Fouchard Academy (FPFA) and member of the ORCA (Senior Membership). 2012 to 2023 Vice President of the Geman Society for Preventive Dentistry (DGPZM) in the DGZ.

Dr Laurisch received the 2002 Wrigley Prophylaxis Award for his commitment to continuing dental education in preventive dentistry and for his interactive  CD-Rom „Prophylaxe Interaktiv”.

From 2003 lectures at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, 2006 – 2023 lectureship at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.

2013: Awarded the DGZMK’s gold badge of honour for services to the scientific advancement of concepts in the prophylaxis and prevention of oral diseases and for many years of involvement in the management committees of the DGZMK and the APW.

Over 100 publications on prevention, caries risk and practice management since 1985.

Laurisch is the author of the books „Individualprophylaxe – Diagnostik und Therapie des individuellen Kariesrisikos” (Hauser Verlag 1994/2000/2009), „Die Präventive Praxis – Ein Praxiskonzept” (Quintessenzverlag 2001), „Ein Leben lang gesunde Zähne – Ein Buch für Patienten” (2001/2004), as well as the interactive CD-Rom „Prophylaxe Interaktiv” (Quintessenzverlag 2001).

On the scientific advisory board of various professional journals (Prophylaxe-Impuls, Oralprophylaxe, Quintessenz Zahnmedizin, Der Freie Zahnarzt).